• Opening Hours : Mon - Sun : 10:00 AM - 7:30 PM
  • Call Us at : +91-9161903255, +91-7080110458

Flying Chopper

This ride is similar to simple carousal. But its exclusivity is that young children sit on the mounted log. The ride takes one spinning and continuously changing the angle of its pivot.

Jingle Bells

The tiny-viny colorful toy train is expert in stealing the heart of small kids. It takes them frolicking round the circuit in an absolute merriment. It is designed and built keeping in mind the safety for kids. It is gentle yet fun packed ride.

Quack Quack Ride

The two-seater duck ride is a nice choice for kids. Speed electric ride can meet their demand. This peaceful ride on duck ideally suits 3-8 years age group to enjoy it with full leisure. Children love this ride.

Umbrella Ride

Umbrella Ride offers unique sensational oscillation of rising higher up in the sky and then dropping down to the land. While getting down there occurs a “butterfly sensation” that fills one with complete thrill.

Toon Tango

Sun and moon ride moves up and down and also rotates itself. So make sure not to miss the fun of this amazing ride.

Hopping Frog

This ride is especially designed for toddlers. There are capsules that actually resemble like frogs. When the-merry-go-round and the jumping frog leaps gently into the air, it makes small children assume as if they are riding an actual frog.

Cup Saucer

Small ride for young ones, sitting in Cup & Saucer!!! feeling safe.

Merry Go Round

This ride is known to be evergreen for children. It takes children galloping around the circles. The carousal is a big draw with kids in the age group of 5-10. This is a slow ride making it safe for the toddlers while oscillating.

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