• Opening Hours : Mon - Sun : 10:00 AM - 7:30 PM
  • Call Us at : +91-9161903255, +91-7080110458
In today’s modern era, no company can survive without maintaining a healthy relationship with the society. Moreover, it is the duty of every business house to perform their role in nation building, which without the well being of society is not possible. Businesses make use of the resources of the society to earn their living, therefore, they are required to return enough to the society as well.
We as an entertainment provider, do understand this. Serving the society is our priority. Apart from providing marvelous fun to our people, enhancing their physical and mental well being out of their busy schedules, we are also involved in volunteering various cultural, social, nature oriented programs to perform our part towards the society.

From the Director’s Desk-

Blue World, one of the biggest theme park, establish by our company is India’s first mega national and international themed entertainment destination with multistoried indoor park for the first time in India.

As one of the successful growing entertainment industry in India, I as a director of the company understand the importance of Corporate social responsibility. I believe that business should operate in such a manner that it meets or exceeds the ethical, legal, commercial, public expectations that society has towards us We aim to resolve specific issues by supporting & improving conditions of our employees, shareholders, communities, and environment. But we also believe that moral responsibility goes further, reflecting the need for corporations to address fundamental ethical issues such as inclusion, dignity, and equality. The business should not only be about money. It should be about responsibility towards human development. It should be about public good, not just private good. I would like to thank our long standing guests for all their support and love, also looking forward to welcome our new guests. Hope we can make it a memorable experience for you and your family.

Last but not the least I would like to say - Be The Peace You Wish To See In The World!

Thank you for your time

Praveen Kumar Mishra
(Managing Director)
Blue World Corporation Private Limited

We are here to Help - Some of our campaigns

COVID-19 crisis "Fighting this invisible enemy"- As one of the toughest challenges that the human race faced, this pandemic has brought the world down to its knees. In these hard times we extend our support to the PM-CARES and Sadbhawana Samiti collectorate (District Level Government Relief Fund). We also came up with contemporary sanitization spray machine in order to sanitize local areas, spread awareness towards safety measures, promoting janta curfew through local newspapers & news channels, distributed food packets and masks to the needy ones and we have not stopped yet. We are committed towards our part, until we win the fight against covid-19.

"Give Way to Ambulance" campaign- With the increasing traffic on the roads, ambulances have a tough task in taking the patients to hospitals on time. We have started this campaign to emphasize that other motorists must move left making way for the ambulance on hearing the siren. We Pledge to give way to an Ambulance, do you?

Awareness campaign launched to save sparrow birds- This campaign was started to save innocent Sparrow Birds, which are rapidly going into extinction, as we know every creature has a significant role to play in the web of life. Bird sparrow is a major indicator of the health of our environment. The sparrow was once a very common bird all over the country, whether it was a bustling urban area or a small village. The decline of sparrow due to polluted environment is an indicator of the degradation of our environment. Keeping this in our mind, we started this campaign.

Tree Homes for birds- Along with the save sparrow campaign, we also placed tree homes everywhere in the park premises for birds, as they also deserve a safe place of living, like us.

Eco- landscaping in the park- We have focused on going “Green” i.e adding lots of colors in the park by planting trees .We have eco-landscaping and lush green lawns which are designed to create a healthy atmosphere for our visitors. Green landscaping also reduces air, soil, and water pollution and makes environment healthy & clean. This is our step to serve our motherland Earth.

Contributed to see Happy Faces

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